Inspection trip Inspection trip

Inspection trip

Come and see the house of your dreams, Medcasa Mediterranean Homes takes care of the visit!

In case you are interested in getting to know personally the residences we advertise, Medcasa will organize a pleasant and profitable visit, in which we will show you the most beautiful and interesting corners of the area.

Medcasa Mediterranean Homes offers you a wide range of new and second hand properties.

We work with all serious real estate developers from Gandia to the Almeria Coast!

In addition to this, our tour will alternate visits to the properties with moments of relaxation, for example: enjoying an aperitif on a terrace on the seafront...

When you purchase a property (new or second hand) through MedCasa Mediterranean Homes, we will pay the cost of the stay for a maximum of 2 persons and a maximum of three days.

These expenses will be reimbursed to the buyer at the notary's office. Unless price reduction (2nd hand) or other gifts (new construction).

If you are interested in this guided tour, please contact us.

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